Welcome to Harnham Parish Churches

Welcome to Harnham Churches. We are a friendly, Anglican Christian community that meets in two different churches in Harnham: St George’s, Lower Street and All Saints, Harnham Rd. Around 70 adults and children meet together every week.
We are part of the Messy Church and Inclusive Church network; our Messy Church meets once a month.
We are a supportive, friendly group of people, who care about our faith lived out in the community; Living, learning and loving through Christ.
Do come along any Sunday and you will be sure of a warm welcome.
All sorts of groups and activities meet during the week in the hall, in our homes, the local pub and in the church, so there are many opportunities to get to know others and get involved.
We hope that you enjoy exploring our website and if you would like a chat or more information, then feel free to contact me.
Revd Becky Roberts
01722 333564
This week’s services are listed on the latest notice sheet at https://www.harnhamparish.org.uk/whats-going-on/this-weeks-notice-sheet/
Did you know that there is a lift scheme for those wishing to come to church but who cannot get transport. Do contact the parish lift coordinator on harnhamparishlifts24@gmail.com or 07450 217091
Hiring the Parish Hall or the Meeting Room
If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact:
Parish Safeguarding Officer is Jacqui Brown on 07909 648 309
email: jacquelinebj.brown@gmail.com
Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, on
- 07500 664800 (Monday to Thursday inclusive and on call Monday and Tuesday evenings until 9pm)
- 07469 857888 (Tuesday to Friday inclusive and on call Wednesday and Thursday evenings until 9pm)
or email: safeguarding@salisbury.anglican.org
Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded here:
Other Parish Policies can be found under “What are we about”
– Who we are
If you “click” on the Facebook or Twitter sign below you can see our Social media pages and all up to date photos and news.