
Thank you for offering to support Harnham Parish! YOUR DONATION WILL HELP US TO:-

  • provide a caring response to anyone in Harnham who we know is in need;
  • operate our Parish Hall in Lower St as a community hub for the whole of Harnham;
  • fund our clergy and administration and support the Diocese and smaller parishes through Parish Share;
  • maintain our two listed Churches; provide heat, light and insurance, so that we can offer regular services of worship for all ages, and for special occasions and life events;
  • maintain an online presence, so as to reach people who are not able to attend church for whatever reason;
  • ensure that our two churchyards are both welcoming to those who visit the grave of a loved one or just pass by, and a peaceful haven for wildlife;
  • provide regular opportunities for anyone to learn about and share the Christian faith;
  • support the Harnham Community Network in efforts to encourage greater community collaboration and resilience across our neighbourhood.

We depend on voluntary donations and volunteer help to make possible the many ways in which we seek to support our community of Harnham. We need £300 a day to meet these costs. Your donation is invaluable in helping to support these vital activities.

You can help by:-

Making a one-off donation
Making a regular donation
Donating online
Using Gift aid for your donation
Leaving a legacy in your Will
Volunteering to help and use the gifts/experience you have

Make a one-off donation

You can do this in various ways either to support the Parish, or for a specific appeal:

  • make a payment online (see below).
  • make a cheque payable to: PCC Harnham, writing on the back if it is for a specific purpose, and post or deliver it to the Parish Office.
  • put cash in the church collection, or deliver it to the Parish Office in person.

Make a regular donation

Around two-thirds of our income comes from people who pledge a regular donation – please consider joining them. You can do this by:

  • registering for the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) and making a regular donation by direct debit. PGS collects Gift Aid (where applicable) on our behalf on a monthly basis which saves the Parish administrative time and costs. Find out how it works here. Email the Parish Office for more details and a registration form.
  • making a standing order to the Parish. Download a form here.
  • making a regular payment online. See next.

Donate online

There are two ways to make an online donation to the Parish:

  • set up a one-off or regular payment through online or mobile banking. The details you need are:

Account name: PCC Harnham
Sort code: 30-97-41
Account number: 00557482
Reference: Your name and, if relevant, any specific Appeal you are responding to.

  • go to our Stewardship donation page here or scan the QR code below. You can donate by credit or debit card, or by using PayPal, and can make a one-off or a regular donation. Periodically we will also have Appeal pages so you can support a specific event or appeal. If you initiate a regular payment online, please email the Parish Office with the details.

Gift Aid your donation

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase any gift by 25%, however you make it, by giving under Gift Aid. Please note that the amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax you pay for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) must be at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year.

If you give through or through the Parish Giving Scheme, they will claim the Gift Aid.

If you give directly to the Parish, and have not previously completed a Gift Aid declaration, please download one here and return it the Parish Office.

Leave a legacy in your Will

Writing a Will is a responsible way of setting your affairs in order, and it does offer a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, and to this Parish and your community. Our policy in the Parish is to welcome all gifts in Wills, however large or small, and to use them to help fund significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment, mission or staffing. If you would like advice as to the appropriate wording to use, please contact the Parish Office in the first instance. The Vicar will be pleased to offer confidential advice if requested.


Almost everything we do depends on volunteers.  If you would like to find out what opportunities are available, please contact the Parish Office, or one of the Churchwardens.

Parish Office contact details

Parish Administrator: Linda Baker
Post: Parish Office, Harnham Parish Hall, Lower Street, Salisbury SP2 8EY
Tel: 07925 108856

Charles Woodd, tel: 07962 213494