Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Harnham Parish is entitled to have 9 elected members of the laity on the Parochial Church Council (PCC), due to the fact that there are between 100 and 200 members on the Church Electoral Roll.

The PCC meets six times during the year. Once a year there is the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which can be attended by anyone on the Church Electoral Roll.

The following people serve on the PCC:


Revd. Becky Roberts – Vicar
Revd. Julian Poppleton – Assistant Priest
Revd Mike Badger – Curate

Jane Carr – Churchwarden at St.George’s
Robert Salkeld – Churchwarden at All Saints


  1.    Emma Wilson
  2.    Jenny West
  3.    Debbie Mussellwhite
  4.    Kate Mash
  5.    Jacqui Brown
  6.    Jane Greenaway
  7.    Inas Miles
  8.    Vacant
  9.    Vacant

Neil Turpin – Deanery Synod Representative
Katy Carter – Deanery Synod Representative
Frances Howard – Deanery Synod Representative


Treasurer: Julie Scott


PCC Secretary: Richard Scott

Parish Administrator: Linda Baker                        

In addition to the PCC and Standing Committee meetings there are a further 9 committees responsible for different aspects of the parish.  They are:


Enable vision and strategy for church community eg. mission statement, mission action plan

  • Review mission in light of recent research
  • Communicate mission and vision to wider church
  • Stewardship campaign
  • Review Awaygiving and support of mission and evangelism
  • Ensure mission and evangelism are a priority


  • Review worshipping life of church
  • Plan special services
  • Plan music for services
  • Plan and review learning about the Christian faith


  • Organise a variety of social events
  • Organise events that support new members of the church and the range of ages
  • Organise events that engage with various age groups in the wider community to promote the Mission of the Parish


  • Reveiw and improve how the Parish churches communicates with the church and wider community
  • include computer media, church links, notice boards in church and outside church, leaflets, publicity, magazine


  • Two church properties – All Saints, St.George’s
  • Plan and review the upkeep of church buildings in line with the Quinquenniel inspection reports
  • Be proactive about promoting best use of church buildings in line with the mission of the church


  • Promote best use of the hall as a building that serves the community
  • Plan and review the upkeep of the hall
  • The hall transformation project
    There is a separate committee responsible for fundraising for the hall transformation project.


Includes Messy Church, Junior School Foundation Governors,  3B’s, links to St George’s Toddlers and Youth Group

  • Plan and review activities that promote wellbeing of children in our community
  • Enable children to learn about the love of God


  • Build up links with Groups, organisations and people in Harnham.
  • Use the various buildings and green spaces to hold events.
  • Build on the events from 2015
  • Make more of the “Friends of Harnham Churches” and encourage new members.
  • Seek to involve new people.
  • Raise funds for the Church.


Raising funds towards the Parish Hall Transformation Project.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

Annual Accounts       

Annual Report  

Information for those on the Electoral Roll regarding APCM
Important APCM information



Safeguarding Representative:   Mrs Jacqui Brown

Guidelines for all workers Appendix 2

Safeguarding Policy is reviewed annually. 

Church of England Safeguarding Policy


Harnham Parish Legacy Policy OTU November 2018


Eco Church Policy 2019

Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Notice for Harnham 2018 OTU cw rev