Past Events Archive


Wormcharming competition

Worms can be very sleepy in July, particularly if it’s dry, so ALL your skills will be tested!

Please ensure that you have registered your team at Worm HQ before 5.30 pm – In addition to the main competition, there is also a competition for the Under-11s.

A handbell will be rung about 5 minutes before the start of the competition. Competitors to be kept clear of competition plots until the instruction “Get to your plots”

Once all teams have found their plot (1 metre x 1 yard) everyone is allowed to begin “Worming Up”. This is doing whatever you need to do to get the worms out of the ground without digging, forking or pouring harmful liquids onto plots. “Worming Up” lasts for 5 minutes after which the competition really gets underway – with all teams giving it their best to get as many worms charmed out of the ground as possible in 15 minutes allocated.

The rules of Wormcharming

  • Each team comprises 3 members – a Charmerer, a Pickerer and a Counterer.
  • No digging or forking allowed. Vibrations only to be used.
  • No harmful liquids to be poured onto plots. Water and other potable liquids are ok. (The judges may ask you to drink a sample to demonstrate harmlessness)
  • Any form of music may be used to charm the worms out of the earth.
  • Teams are given 5 minutes “Worming Up” and 15 minutes Worm Charming
  • Each competitor may collect worms from their own plot only.
  • Worms to handled carefully and lovingly and collected in damp peat and placed in a suitable container provided by the organising committee.
  • Any team or competitor caught cheating will be publicly humiliated and almost certainly disqualified.
  • The team which collects the most worms is the winner. The catcher of the longest worm also wins a prize.
  • In the event of a tie, the winner to be decided by a further 5 minutes charming.
  • The International Judges’ decision is final.
  • All worms must be returned unharmed to the ground after the competition when the birds have gone to roost.

Wormcharming officials

Competitions of all forms rely on officials to ensure fair play – and worm charming is no exception. The Worm Master presides over the Festival. The Official Cheat tempts entrants by offering them worms so that they can cheat. Old Father Worm Charming offers advice and guidance to would be worm charmers. Finally, there’s the International Judge who is the rule of law in all things to do with arbitration in worm charming disputes. In order to ensure year-on-year continuity and fairness some of our officials have recruited apprentices who will also be assisting them on the day.

If you would like to take part in the Worm Charming Competition and enter a team of 3 people.  Please contact Linda Baker 07925 108856 or email

Business team or sponsorship £100

Family or Group team    £15

Children’s under 11’s team    £5

If you would like to be more involved in the event, we are looking for volunteers to assist those running “Worm HQ”.    We guarantee it will be fun!


On Saturday , members of the Parish gathered together to discuss and share ideas for the parish for the next 5 years.   The afternoon began with Revd Becky setting the scene, showing observations nationally and locally on church attendance.    Examples were given of projects that are working well, including Messy Church.    We looked at cultures today and how they live.   Then everyone discussed how they would attract the younger generations today to be involved in our parish, and how we could adjust our service pattern and resources to accommodate new ideas.


We asked Harnham Junior School if the children could produce a picture for our Parish Christmas Card.   (This card goes to all the houses in Harnham before Christmas telling everyone about the services over the Christmas period).

We had around 50 designs to choose from.  Once the judges got to the three they liked best (and pictured on this page) they were unable to choose an overall winner.   So decided that Megan’s design would be used on the Christmas Card, Browyn’s design on the Christmas Day Notice Sheet and Zoe’s on the Service Sheet for the Carol Service.

Well done and thank you.


On Tuesday we were able to host Bishop Daniel and Bishop Abdu in our parish.   They had a busy day visiting Harnham Junior School, meeting parishioners, taking part in the Pancake Race in the Salisbury High Street and finally ending the day at our “Pictures and Pancake” evening.

Welcome Heather – our new curate.

On Sunday 28th July 2015 a group of men and women were ordained as Deacons at Salisbury Cathedral to serve as Curates in churches across Wiltshire and Dorset.  Amongst them was Heather Leppard who will serve amongst us in Harnham in her first years of ordained ministry.

Heather brings many gifts from her wide experience of work, church and life.  She is experienced in working with people with additional needs, initiating intentional Christian communities, and teaching meditative pryaer.  She will be a huge asset to us in Harnham, assisting in many areas of our ministry and mission.

We welcome Heather and her husband Dominic to our parish and look forward to getting to know her better over the years ahead.

Harnham Parish joins the 21st Century

After a lot of research, planning and preparation, Harnham Parish has a new website  (this one) and it went live on Wednesday 15th April 2015, in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

St.George’s Church celebrates 900 years!!!

Saint George’s church has been at the Heart of our Community for 900 years – which makes us 100 years older than the Magna Carta!

The first known mention of this church is in a document of c.1115, when the Cathedral was still at Old Sarum, in which King Henry 1st granted the church of Coombe and Harnham to Bishop Roger.

To celebrate this anniversary year we have organised a variety of events for the whole community and we are extremely grateful to the local groups and businesses who have also got involved.

Please take a good look at our page on ‘2015 Events’  to see the full programme.   Events start on St.George’s Day – 23rd April and finish on 22nd November 2015. We hope there is something for you to enjoy.


ST GEORGE’S DAY AND 900 BELL RINGS.   Thursday 23rd April 2015.
Around 90 children came to St.George’s Church to take part in various activities to celebrate St.George’s Day and to take turns in ringing the church bell 10 times to mark the start of the 900 years celebrations. (To help the children with the bell ringing was one of our own bell ringers, a chair for the children to stand on and a churchwa It was a gorgeous sunny day and locals sat in the churchyard and listened to the bell.


On Saturday 25th April around 400 Beaver, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers from Salisbury District along with the Harnham Brownies and Guides met in the Cathedral Close.   They were joined by Bishop Edward and Revd.Becky and paraded to Harnham Cricket Field for a Medieval Fayre.     Once in the field there was a short service and renewal of promises and then everyone was able to enjoy the activities in the field.  Activities included canoeing on the river, archery, and so much more. Again we were very fortunate with the sunshine, with the rain arriving later in the afternoon.


The day began with a very moving communion service in St.George’s Church at which the Archdeacon of Sarum, Venerable Alan Jeans, preached.   The church was packed with regular churchgoers and many others who had come from far and wide to help the Parish celebrate this very special time.  We then went to the Scout Hut for champagne and delicious cake, cut by William Alexander, which was decorated with the St.George’s cross.   We then adjourned to the Parish Hall for lunch which was provided for us by Sarum College.


BEER FESTIVAL – Sunday 3rd May 2015

The Beer Festival at Harnham Social Club on Sunday 3rd May was also well attended.  There was a nice range of beers to try and as a special surprise on this day the club were awarded “The best Club in Salisbury and South Wiltshire” by CAMRA.   A bouncy castle and tug of war made part of the afternoon whilst a variety of local bands played in the club during the evening.


FLOWER ARRANGING WORKSHOPS – Saturday 16th May 2015.

An enjoyable workshop.  Those who attended learnt the basic skills necessary to produce an arrangement and assisted the flower arrangers with preparations for the Flower Festival the following weekend.

A talk by Dr Edward Armstrong on his time with the MSF.

DEMENTIA AWARENESS DAY – Thursday 21st May 2015.

FLOWER FESTIVAL in St.George’s Church – Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th May 2015.

An intergenerational team of flower arrangers from 4 to 80 years old were inspired by St George’s Church 900 birthday celebrations to design and make flower arrangements for their Bank Holiday weekend Flower Festival.

The team of talented, hard-working, flower arrangers included Debbie Wadge, who, in the midst of this, participated in the Chelsea Flower Show winning a gold medal for her flower arrangement! More than 20 people worked together on the displays during workshops run the previous Saturday.

The displays produced took the theme of fire, peace, community, and the unity of nations all linked to the Christian understanding of the Holy Spirit.

Highlights included a life size red and white dragon, made by Year 4 and Year 6 children from Harnham Junior School and an after school group; a 7 ft wall hanging of peace constructed from muted green, pink and white chiffon and roses; and a Norman arch.

Revd Becky Roberts, vicar of St George’s, stated “An ancient prayer requests ‘Come Holy Spirit our souls inspire.” I hope that many of our community were inspired by the arrangements and took the opportunity to enjoy God’s presence in such a beautiful place.’

In the first hour there were over 30 visitors, one of whom commented that it was a pleasure to be in an open church in such beautiful surroundings ‘I really did feel a sense of peace created by the wall hanging and the fragrance of the flowers.’

Pam Macklin managed the event, along with Ruth Neame, Becky Wilkinson, Pat Sansome, Jean Mercer, Sue Ingram, Debbie Wadge, Suzanne Davies and David Callard and Jeanne Ross.

JAZZ PRAISE – Sunday 24th May 2015.

DIGGING FOR HISTORY – Friday 29th May 2015

Sponsored by “The Rivers Edge Waterfront Restaurant at the Rose and Crown Hotel.

HISTORICAL HARNHAM – Wednesday 3rd June 2015.

An informal lecture by Tim Tatton Brown on the history of the church and how this relates to the History of Harnham.  He will use the church as his visuals and if a nice evening will include a walk in the churchyard.

A special open evening to celebrate the group’s 10th birthday.

CHURCH FETE – Saturday 13th June 2015.

A special celebration of St.George’s 900 years.

Bouncy castle, Salisbury Motorcycle and Light car club, Fat Sam’s Ice Creams, Refreshments, Spire FM,  Circus Skills, Vintage Cars, Exhibition of Quilts in St.George’s Church, Arena displays and so much more.


Monday 15th June and Thursday 18th June.   10.30am.
An ideal opportunity to pop in and see what the Day Centre has to offer.


Friday 26th June and Saturday 27th June, 7.30pm, St.George’s Church, £8 per person.

Two evenings of songs from the musicals provided by a group of young stars.

Please note: Friday evening is now fully booked.  Only 10 tickets remaining for the Saturday.


Sunday 28th June, 3.30pm-5.00pm at The Grasmere Hotel.    £3.50

An opportunity to enjoy a cream tea in the wonderful setting of the Grasmere Hotel.


Saturday 4th July, 6am- 9pm in St.George’s Church.
Prayer with and for the Harnham community.   Starts at 6am with Morning Prayer ending with Night Prayer at 8.30pm.

Different members of our community  lead prayer in different styles.

6-6.30am       Celtic morning prayer
6.30                Silent prayers of thanksgiving
7-8                  Prayer stations and labyrinth
8-9                  Prayers for children in our community
9-10                Big Day Out/  Harnham community
10-11             Justice, Peace and Lament
11-12             Praying God’s promises
12-1                Taize
1-2                  Prayer stations
2-3                  Prayers for our world and world mision
3-4                  Mother’s Union prayer for families
4-5                  Ignatius: praying with the imagination
5-6                  Health and healing
6-7                  Wholeness in the Lord’s prayer
7-7.30             Using the body to pray
7.30-8.15       Churches Together  – uniting to pray for our city
8.15                Thanksgiving for the day
8.30pm          Night prayer

HAPPY’S CIRCUS – Monday 20th July.

The event was organised by Harnham Schools Association to raise funds for the local schools.



Thursday 23rd July, 7.30pm in the Church Hall.

CHILDREN’S SUMMER  FUN DAY organised by Jump a roo.

Wednesday 19th August.  Unfortunately due to some severe rain this event had to be cancelled.


Wednesday 5th August and Friday 28th August, 2-5pm.   Harnham Cricket Field.

Fun involving a variety of activities like the ultimate Frisbee and Vortex games.

BBQ themed day, organised by Harnham Social Club

Monday 31st August from 12 noon.


Wednesday 2nd September, 7.30pm.   St.George’s Church,

Around 60 people enjoyed having a go at “Digging for History” on the 29th May.   Come and hear about their discoveries.


Sunday 6th September, 2-4pm.   St.George’s Church, Hall and Field.   Free Event

Pet Service to celebrate the gift of animals followed by family fun activities.   Bring along a real pet or toy pet.   Meet a real dragon and other crazy creatures!   Learn how to draw dinosaurs.   Dog and Pet Show with local judges.


Saturday 12th September.

Unfortunately we had to cancel our Indian Evening as it clashed with too many other events. Good news we already have around 40 people interested in a re- arranged evening early in 2016.

QUILTING WORKSHOP – Stained Glass Patchwork  “Ancient”

Saturday 19th September, 10 -4pm.   Church Hall £20


Sunday 4th October.

9.30am at St.George’s Church,  11.00am at All Saints,  6.30pm at St.George’s Church.

Our informal 6.30pm evening service will include the Wildlife Photo competition results.


Wednesday 7th October, 7.30pm.   Church Hall, £3 per person

A humorous and nostalgic look at the history of the Hawk Conservancy.   Featuring some of the people, mammals and birds that hve been involved from its early days as a wildlife park to its current standing as an award-winning tourist attraction and conservation charity.   The talk will be given by Ashley Smith.

QUILTING WORKSHOP – Stained glass Patchwork “Modern”

Saturday 17th October,  10-4pm in the Church Hall.   £20.

a talk by William Alexander.

Wednesday 4th November, 7.30pm in the Church Hall.


“Why does it matter we care for the earth”

Wednesday 18th November, 7pm, St.George’s Church, £3 per person.

The Rt.Revd. Nicholas holtam, Bishop of Salisbury will be talking with Neil Turpin and afterwards they will accept questions from the floor.   This will be followed by refreshments in the Trinity Chapel.


Harnham Community festival

Saturday 21st November, 7-11pm, Stockman’s Lounge, £10 per person.

An opportunity for Harnham Community to come together to celebrate the 900th year.   The  “Still Moving DJ’s” are back by popular demand.     Dress up as a character or in a costume from the last 900 years.   There will be fish and chips and a bar available.  A chance to thank everyone involved over the year.

Tickets:  £10 for adults and £7 for children under 16.

GRAND RAFFLE – A big thank you to the following for their donations to our Grand Raffle.

A family ticket for two adults and two children to Cholderton Charlies.

A £20 discount voucher for a meal at the Fox and Goose, Coombe Bissett.

One month membership to Parkwood Health and Fitness

A Tower Tour for Two at Salisbury Cathedral.

2 tickets to see ‘Kila’ an exuberant and eclectic Irish folk group at Salisbury Art Centre on 6th December.

A voucher for beauty treatment at  Inner Beauty Michael’s hair shop 31a Market Place…..

A year’s family membership to Salisbury Tennis Club

2 adult tickets to the Hawk Conservancy 

2 first class return tickets or 4 standard class tickets to London from South West Trains

£40 voucher from the Old Mill

Free music lesson from Sound Emporium

VIP tour around Spire FM

Voucher for Salisbury City Hall

2 Luxury Hampers

and many other smaller prizes.

A really big thankyou to everyone who has donated to this raffle.

900 YEARS “THANKSIVING SERVICE”  for the whole community.

Sunday 22nd November, St.George’s Church, 9.30am.

An informal service to celebrate the year.